Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 11: Saturday Evening Vigil (Part Two)

As I write this continuation of Day 11, we recognize today (August 26) as the Feast Day of Our Lady of Czestochowa, or the Black Madonna (Thank you, Sarah EC). Please continue praying for my intention.

Update: Blogger did not save this post, so I am having to retype the whole thing; I apologize. Jesus, I trust in you.

The video picks up at 39:00. Here is the link.

So, as I continue, I pick up with "Love to Those Who Feel Indifferent." A woman walks around the stage. There are other people on stage, but are too busy on their phones, video games, or work stuff. She desperately tries to get their attention, but they are absorbed in their tablets and phones, spending time on social media and whatnot. Finally a man comes out his glass cage that was his phone, and begins to dance with the woman. It is a beautiful scene of how beautiful humanity has the potential to be.

How often, me especially, do we live life through our phones and not our bodies? Social media can be a beautiful thing, but it has turned into a means of "having relationships." Relationships are meant to be lived in person. To spend time with that person, to love them fully as a human being, and not a picture on a screen. This skit really reminded me of America, in how, when you walk down the street, you'll see nothing but people on their phones. You'll be in a restaurant, and instead of talking to the person next to you, you'll send them a text. What happened to legitimate communication? To authentic, real relationships? Pope Francis got some words for us, alright (you'll see/read later).

The next segment was entitled "Forgiveness to Those Who Have Done Us Wrong." Honestly, this one was so simple, yet so profound, and every heart in that Field of Mercy moved with this skit. Hopefully, we are all aware that Pope John Paul II got shot in 1981 in St. Peter's Square. A shot that was supposed to kill, but he lived. He then forgave the man who attacked him that day. Using no words, and just music, the forgiveness scene was portrayed on the stage. We saw a live presentation of Pope JPII forgive the man, and then hug him, showing that God's mercy abounds. "Our sin is but a drop in an ocean of mercy" (Diary of St. Faustina, 718).

"Joy to Those Who Are Unhappy" was the name of the last segment. In a very prevalent reality, we saw a group of people unhappy with their lives, as a result of drug addictions, sexual encounters, and so forth. Then St. Faustina (and this was totally not supposed to be funny, but I laughed out loud when she did this) pulls a basketball out of nowhere, and they are inspired to start dancing and playing and just have fun with each other, as we were made to do.

A man then gave a testimony about how he was addicted to drugs and was very distant from his family. After leaving home at 11, he started using drugs and stopped going to school. The list went on and on. After a visit from his father, he exclaimed that he wanted to change, but he kept doing bad. But he had a rehabilitation process, and received peace, and helped run a house for reforming addicts.

Now to the part everyone was anxious to hear: Pope Francis' address to the young people.

Please, please, PLEASE! Read this before you continue reading this blog, if you are even reading at this point. READ THIS! It is Pope Francis' speech. I will only be doing reflections on it, and not reciting it. In case you missed it, here's the link.

After reading, many thoughts occurred to me. "Gee, I need to change" being among the first. He reiterates what the skit said about being disconnected from society; we live life in front of screens. We find comfort in that, but when we come into contact with other physical human beings, something powerful happens. An example of when I encountered this was when I joined a theater company with a bunch of people I had never met before: Lagniappe Theatre in Alexandria, LA. I had performed in shows at my High School, but I basically grew up with these people, so I already knew them, and we were nice acquaintances. But when I joined Lagniappe, of course there were temptations to get on my phone during free time and scroll through Instagram. Or just sit in a corner and claim that I am "pondering life." But, by the grace of God, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to some people. And I can say that these people that I've only known after one or two shows have grown to be some of my best friends. I know this may be a lame example, but it's just a personal testimony from me that proves that powerful things happen when you interact with those around you. When you show the love that Christ showed in knowing that we all need to be known as loved. So what do we do, we love. And love is powerful.

Pope Francis, upon reflecting about the world's current state, says that we are constantly tearing each other down and building barriers to shield us from others. We find faults in others rather than their merits, their strengths. I was a boy scout (for about 3 months), and I loved the idea of merit badges! We all need to be recognized for our strengths. Of course we should be aware of our shortcomings, but we should not be defined by them.

"Our response to a world at war has a name: its name is fraternity." As Pope Francis said this, I honestly thought he would be giving the common answer of love. All we need is love, right? Well, yes (I type this as I sing the Beatles in the back of my head). But more specific than love, we need a brotherhood, a fraternity, a communion. I have two biological brothers, Praise the Lamb. But I'm called to have 7 billion. As soon as He said that we needed fraternity, I immediately started thinking about how we say we need love and blah blah blah, but to actually be love to other people is to recognize those that you and I don't necessarily like as our brother. And there are a lot of people I don't like. We need to focus on the family, as well. I have been so blessed by great parents, and I have an awesome family! Are there things I wish we could do better, such as nightly prayer together? Yes. But for the most part, my family is straight up 100. But I will go to friend's houses, I'll talk to others about their home lives, and it scares me. There are families that disown their children, that divorce because of a petty argument, that kill their unborn children, and they pretend like everything is fine. Some people are good actors, most not so much. We see this world hurting so much, we see families broken and hurting, about to fall apart. That's not love, and that's definitely not fraternity, not communion. We must strive for peace with our brothers, me especially, in order to obtain that true brotherhood, whether it be among myself and someone who called me a name, or a country dropping bombs on the next.

He goes on to say that we should not be "sofa Christians" We confuse happiness with a sofa. It makes us feel comfortable and safe, kind of like our phones do, as mentioned earlier. This sofa allows us to not make any decisions because we are perfectly content as to where we are. I love what Pope Francis says here,

"Little by little, without even realizing it, we start to nod off, to grow drowsy and null while others-- perhaps more alert than we are, but not necessarily better-- decide our future for us. [...] We didn't come into this world to 'vegetate,' to take it easy, to make our lives a comfortable sofa to sleep on. No, we came for another reason: to leave a mark. [...If we don't,] then we end up paying a high price indeed: We lose our freedom."

I could read that over and over and still just bask in the truth of that statement. It reminds me of when Benedict XVI said, "This world will offer you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness." To be honest, I took a nap in my bed in the dorm at ULL today. Upon typing this, I feel kind of bad. Gotta live life, I can't make friends in my sleep!

He challenged us pilgrims to trade in our sofas for walking shoes, to get us up and moving in life. (Keep in mind that we were sitting in a field that was not recently mowed, and was not the least bit comfortable. Guess we were winning at the whole "greatness" thing, huh? But honestly, I wouldn't have minded a sofa by now.) I had just bought a pair of walking shoes for this specific pilgrimage, so an English teacher would probably point out my shoes as being a metaphor for a new life.

And as we meet new people, as we live our lives, we build bridges. We concentrate on what brings us together, and not what tears us apart, what divides us. These bridges build brotherhoods, build fraternity, and family. They build trust, which leads to ultimate peace. And I think that we could all use a little peace right now.

After the Pope was finished speaking, a huge applause erupted. Then, we had Eucharistic Adoration. You know how I said that the day we had at the Mercy Centre was the most amount of people I've ever adored with, well this one Trumped it (it was yuuuuge). I had adoration with 3 million people. I adored the God of the universe with 3 million people. The Spirit was definitely busy that night. We sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in adoration, with each decade being sung in a different language. It was another beautiful representation of bridges being built, of the Church being one, as we knelt in the dirt at Campus Misericordiae. We then had Benediction with Pope Francis.

After, we prayed an evening prayer that is a tradition in Poland. It is a prayer to Our Lady of Czestochowa. It was beautiful, except whoever ran the huge screens in front of the sections was not doing a good job. In the middle of the prayer, a huge white screen popped up, asking us to not throw our flags at the power lines. Okay...thank you? I'm praying now. Ok, I forgive you, year of mercy. It really killed the mood though. Okay, rant over.

Then we got to sleep with 3 million people, outside, under the stars. Except I didn't sleep. Thank you to the Italians, who absolutely loved chanting and beating drums all night. There was also a couple that was absolutely inseparable right next to us. It's World Youth Day, not World Spoon Day, thank you. Year of Mercy, Nick. Year of Mercy. I also got to sleep next to two brothers in Christ I made on the trip, Luke and Joseph. When I say next to, not an inch separated us (or a centimeter, thank you metric system). Talk about fraternity, right?

Thus ends Day 11, with a sunburnt, but peaceful Nick.

Nicholas Scalfano

"Today's world demands that you be a protagonist of history because life is always beautiful when we choose to live it fully, when we choose to leave a mark."

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Day 11: Saturday Evening Vigil (Part One)

We woke up early on Saturday (Day 11) to begin our journey to Campus Misericordiae ("Field of Mercy"), where the Saturday Evening Vigil was to be held. We packed our bags the night before, including our sleeping bags, snacks, extra clothes, sunscreen, and toiletries, etc.

Luckily, our nuns have been well-versed in how to World Youth Day the right way. The vigil started around 6:30 PM, but they recommended that we get there early so that we could get good "seats." So we left around 8AM, and caught a tram. The tram could only go so far, and we had a 12 kilometer journey. The tram went as far as 7 kilometers, and we had to walk the rest. Praise the Lamb for Sr. Nina, who studied the Tram system and got us as far as we could without walking.

Once we got off the tram, there were no pilgrims visible, except the ones that were in our own group. This was a first for everyone, considering there were 3 million pilgrims within Krakow, so to not see a blue, red, or yellow backpack was both relieving and unsettling. Relieving because we would not have to deal with the large crowds, and unsettling because we were completely trusting in Christ (and Google Maps on my phone) that we were walking the right way.

We finally ended up at the field, and we received small, blue, stringed backpacks. This was to be our food rations for the next 26 or so hours. We then made the rest of our journey across the field and to our section, F8. From the section, one would say they were not good seats, but looking at a map, they were nice. We also had a huge jumbo screen in front of our section, showing what was going on onstage, PTL. We passed through our section, past the moderately smelling Portable Toilets (no one had used them yet), and to the front left corner. We were one of the first groups, among thousands, that arrived at Campus Misericordiae. We chose the front left corner for two reasons: we were right in front of the screen, and no one would crawl over all of our stuff to get to the entrance/exit. It was about 11:30.

We set up camps, with tents and sleeping bags galore. Leave it to a bunch of Southern Louisianians to really rig up some tents using metals poles, ribbon, and ponytails. Now I could talk about how awful it was, being in the blazing hot sun for 7 hours before anything interesting happened, but here is a quick summary: it was hot, people showed up, it was hot, people showed up. We found small ways to entertain ourselves, but it was not until the Vigil started that we got extremely excited (partly because the sun was going down).

The Vigil started, and to watch it (which I highly reccomend, it has an English person speaking over the other languages so you can understand), click here.

The Pope arrived in the Pope Mobile, as millions of people whooped and hollered. He had other people (youth) who rode with him, as millions of other Catholics watched in envy. "Bowl of Spaghetti" was sung in the background. The size of the stage was the size of an American-sized NFL football field, even though it looked like the size of Melone from where we were.

A Polish cardinal formally greeted the Holy Father, and he greeted all of us to Poland. This was probably the sole weekend that everyone attends.

They then went into 5 skits. The first was "The Faith to Those in Doubt," which depicted a scene of a teenage girl at a party who was uncomfortable. She leaves the party, and is then revealed to be Sister Faustina. Pictures of the Body of Christ (a bunch of people) zoom out to become the image of Divine Mercy. A girl went up and testified to her confession experience. She happened to go to Confession on Divine Mercy Sunday at 3 PM, in the same Cathedral St. Faustina prayed in. She had not been before. After the priest said that she gave a beautiful confession, and explained the situation, she left the church feeling new, convicted, and loved.

The second scene was called "Hope To Those Who are Discouraged," and opened with a video, depicting 9/11, the war in Syria, and other devastating events. There was a skit that involved the word "no," and a bunch of dancing. I don't know what it means. But then a woman got up and testified. She studies in Syria, and is working on a masters degree. She spoke on how her city had been destroyed, and how the meaning of their lives has been reduced to nothing. She explained how a lot of us do not know what exactly is going on in Syria. You could tell the authenticity in her voice. She shared that every day, they are gripped by fear. Fear that they may come home to an empty house, or that they may not come home at all. They are surrounded by death and killing. "God, where are you? Why have you forsaken us? Do you even exist? Why won't you have mercy on us?" They spend time each day asking this question, to which they have no answer. "Could this be the end, where we are born to die in pain? Or are we born to live life, and live it to the fullest?" She went on to explain some people she knew that had been killed. A 13 year old boy, a brother and sister who's house had been destroyed and the roof caved in on them, and her best friend. They are all martyrs who had died for no reason except their faith. Although they go through this toil and strife every single day, they still serve and bring food to people and help all those in need. Their faith in Christ is the only thing getting them through. She believes that God exists through all of this pain. "Jesus, I Trust In You."

It is here that I would like to reflect. Being at WYD, I have been made aware of how bad the situation overseas is. Here in America, we tend to think, "I'm safe, so I'm not going to worry." "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." Brothers and sisters, the world is broken! That's the last thing anyone wants to hear, but the truth is the truth, it's objective. Our brothers and sisters in Syria are dying. They are dying. I've lost some friends before, to car accidents, to cancer, so on and so forth. We can hardly ever prevent these natural causes. But this, what's happening over there, this is something that we can fix. She asked the questions, "God, where are you? Why have you forsaken us? Do you even exist?" How often has God spoken to you directly? How many times has he spoken to you through other people? For me, it's the latter. We are called to be Christ to these people. So where is God? He's sitting in America, not going to do anything because he is perfectly safe. No, that's not a good representation of God. But we, as the Body of Christ, MUST be present to these suffering people. We can't stand idle. We can't. Does God exist? Does He exist in me? In you? Why are we forsaking our own brothers and sisters? This is not okay. We must offer up fasts for them, pray without ceasing, and ultimately BE CHRIST. He didn't die so that we could praise Him. He died so that we could live, and offer our lives for others, too. I am challenging myself and all of you to be Christ. BE that merciful love. Love when you don't have to. Christ freakin died for you and me. "Whatsoever you do, to the least of my people, you do unto me." What are we doing with the least of God's people? If they can serve their own people while being persecuted, we, who aren't being physically hunted, can do something to help.

What's going on is real. We can't sit idle. We can get up, and we can change the world. We are one Body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. Jesus, I Trust In You.

Thus ends PART ONE of Day 11.

Nicholas Scalfano

Friday, August 19, 2016

Day 10: Catechesis 2.0, Stations of the Cross/free evening

On Day 10, Friday, we went to Catechesis again. We left earlier than last time so that we would not have to wait for trams or long lines, so that we could listen to each talk that morning. Security was tougher this day, and I had to give them my (sealed) energy drink, because I am just the most threatening person on the planet. Sr. Lizbeth had to turn in her sunscreen, because apparently she could have sprayed some pagan with her sunscreen. But we did make it into the arena in time for catechesis.

To watch the video of the morning, click here. (I highly recommend watching it, if your wifi is better than ULL's wifi.) It started with a video of Chris Stefanick as a narrator. One of his main lines in it was, "Jesus didn't die to receive your praise. We can always praise Him. He died to receive our [burdens]." He then walked out, started with some fun, and then brought out Sister Gaudia Skass from the Sisters of Divine Mercy after showing a video bout Auschwitz. 

Sister gave a talk on the cross, and Divine Mercy. In all honesty, I had never heard a talk on the cross so interesting as the one she gave. She started by asking us to to take out a crucifix and hold it in our hand as she spoke. I wear a large crucifix around my neck each day to remind me to unite my sufferings to Christ, and I'll never look at it the same. She related the cross and mercy to us personally, and really showed us what Divine Mercy does and should mean in our society. If you do one thing today, watch her talk (It's at 16:45, beginning with a brief video). I want to just quote her whole talk in here, but just let her speak for herself. 

She spoke on Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and said that his death was a natural consequence of his lifestyle. She then asked what would a logical, natural consequence for your lifestyle? After talking about Maximilian Kolbe and his personal sacrifices and crosses, she said, "Don't be afraid to face the truth, because heroes aren't born out of illusion, heroes are born out of truth. Even if its the truth about your weakness, offer your weakness to Jesus and He will make you a hero."

She went on about the cross, and asked us to turn our crucifix in our hand around. 

"Take a look at the cross in your hands, turn it around, and see the empty space on the other side. That’s the invitation for you. By this sign of the cross, of the crucifix, Jesus asks you today, ‘Do you want to live I did? Do you want to follow my lifestyle? Are you brave enough to choose mercy? Living for others, and dying for others? Mercy costs. We see it also costs Jesus His life. If you and I decide today to choose Jesus again, to choose His ways, to follow Him, this will also cost us much. Just think now about all the situations in contradiction to your plans: dreams. In contradiction to your will: that’s the cross. Maybe at first this will be little things. But these little things further prepare you for bigger offerings. And as you further feel that mercy costs, that it is really the cross of your life, heavy, ugly, painful, remember that this is where you are (on the cross), but on the other side is Jesus. SO don’t be afraid because He’s always with you; He will never, ever leave you. You will never be alone with your suffering, with your struggles. Following Jesus won’t be easy; He never said that, He never promised that. Following Jesus won’t be easy, but it will be beautiful. Living your life to the full, it is demanding, but fascinating. ‘If anyone wishes to come after me, He must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life, for my sake, will save it.’ Are you ready to say yes? If you are, put on your cross, and [venerate] it. Say it in your heart: ‘Yes, Jesus, I am ready to follow you. Amen.’”

The next part I would like to talk about is Catechesis with Cardinal Dolan. I believe I forgot to mention that I completely fangirled over him on Tuesday, and I even got a picture with him. Let's say that he acted like he already knew me, as he grabbed my neck and squeezed it in a brotherly way, asking me how I was. I just kinda stood there and smiled, and he was like, "Oh, that's nice." He is such a great man, and so charismatic as a speaker and lover of Christ. His talk begins around 1:06:30 at the same link provided above. 

He starts, "Lord, make me an instrument of your mercy." He talks about the Apostles' guilt after Jesus' death. They locked themselves in a room, denying their friendship with Christ. They were filled with doubt, as to whether or not Jesus was speaking Truth. Then Jesus walked through the door. He asked us to imagine what Jesus would have said to them. Those that just betrayed Him and denied Him. What's He gonna do? The Lord says to them, "Peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit, who will heal your doubts and fears and guilt. Who's sin you forgive they are forgiven." Mercy. Mercy for you and for others. He sent them out. "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." Jesus makes the Apostles an instrument of His mercy. 

In today's world, we need to ask Him to make us instruments of His mercy. This is so important! JPII said, "We are at our best when we give ourselves away in love to another person." We need salvation, we need mercy. We need GOD, we need a SAVIOR. Especially today. And it takes us to admit it before we can start being mercy. Cardinal Dolan reminded us of JPII forgiving the man who shot him three times. 

How many times do people tick us off (a lot for me)? And how many times do we just want to lash out and attack them back. Jesus was literally betrayed and denied by his BEST friends. He died because of them. He died because of me. Yet, he still made me. He still puts every breath into my mouth as I breathe. He shows me mercy every single second of the day. So must we. We MUST show mercy, and not hate. I must love those around us, no matter how much I want to be salty towards them.

After Cardinal Dolan finished, an Iraqi refugee testified to mercy, as ISIS took over her original home, killed her relatives, and destroyed Christian communities. She challenged us to say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and to replace "us" with a more specific intention. Hers was "For the sake of your sorrowful passion, have mercy on ISIS and on the whole world." This was a new and fresh way for me to pray this powerful prayer. The enemies we have, we must pray for and must show mercy to.

We then had a Q&A (1:37:45), which is definitely worth listening to.

There was one question and answer that stood out to me. The question was asking if truth really existed, since we are taught to make our own truth. 

He answered: "Look, if there is ever a place to ask that question, it is right here in Krakow, because Krakow is where two of the greatest horrors in the history of humanity occurred. Krakow saw what happens when you deny truth. Krakow saw what happens when you make up your own truth. Krakow saw what happens when truth becomes defined by us, and not by God. Krakow saw the Nazis, Aucshwitz, Katyn forests (where 100,000 Polish intellectuals were shot in the head). Krakow saw Nazi atrocity on steroids. And when the Nazis were defeated, Joseph Stalin came in and Krakow continued to see the culture of the lie, where objective truth, the dignity of the human person, and the sacredness of human life was trampled upon. That is what happens when we believe that we can make up truth. Hitler believed he was following the truth. That there were certain people, like Jews and Poles, that were meant to be eradicated. Stalin believed the truth as he defined it. THAT is what happens when truth is subjective. THAT shows us that truth is objective.

Pope Benedict called it the dictatorship of relativism. Contemporary people think, 'Oh how liberated we are. We make up our own truth; we aren't shackled by handcuffs by what other people say God defines as truth. We're free.' Uh-uh. You're slaves! You live in the worst dictatorship of all: the dictatorship of relativism because truth is objective. And as Jesus said the Truth will set you free!"

Honestly, this hit me hard. How often do we make up our own truth? All. The. Time. We make exceptions to the faith, exceptions that are lies. We come up with stuff that would bring others down and ourselves up, just like Hitler and Stalin. I have friends that make up their own truths about the Catholic Faith, about Confession and the Eucharist. If the truth is objective, and Jesus Christ IS the truth, then the Catholic Faith is real and is truth. The Eucharist is truth, is Jesus.

As Catechesis ended, we left the Tauron Arena, and headed to the JPII Sanctuary, only to find it closed, because Pope Francis was going to visit the next day. Mercy, mercy. Have mercy on the guards, Nick. We would go another day (Monday).

We then went shopping in the market square. I also washed my clothes in a laundromat for the first time (quite the experience). After hearing about the nuns' experience (they witnessed a man openly snorting Cocaine right in front of their faces. Now that I think about it, I wonder if it was laundry detergent...), we were anxious to see how it would go.

After getting yelled at by only one Polish lady, we finished and headed back to try and see the Pope in a courtyard outside the window where he was staying at the Archdiocese of Krakow. We never got in, because it got full, so Sarah C., Cameron E., and I went to see the Pope's motorcade as he rode by, waving. After, we went to go eat, and went to sleep, because we had to rest our bodies for the long day ahead of us.

P.S. Also on Day 10, seeing as it was Friday, they help the Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis in Blonia Park, but we did not attend. Watching the video later, I discovered that it was very artfully and craftfully done. Very much worth a watch.

Thus ended Day 10.

Nicholas Scalfano

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Day 9: Free Morning, Papal Welcoming

I apologize for not having written in 6 days. Life has been absolutely insane, from moving into college, to rain, and rain, and more rain. I am writing this at 2 AM, where I actually have some free time. Also before I start, I'd like to thank Miranda Klein, who wrote an article in Alexandria's The Town Talk about the 5 pilgrims from Alexandria. Thank you, because this positive and uplifting event made barely any news coverage. Thank you for sharing the Good News with the Alexandria area.

On Day 9, I got to sleep in a little later again (how nice and appreciated these mornings were). First, we went to mass at Saint Mary's Basilica (KrakWOW it was beautiful), then we had a free morning in Krakow. So the salt team (those who attended the trip to the salt mines) decided to go to the castle in Krakow, Wawel Castle.

On a not-so-side note, I would like to say that the trip to the Salt Mines really helped me improve my relationships with the sisters. There's nothing like climbing hundreds of feet underground, running ("are you kidding me?!" as Sister Fatima would say) to catch trams, and having the best Lody ever, to bond.

We arrived at the castle, and went through some intense security, where apparently I look like a threatening guy. I always thought I was the pink teddy bear form Toy Story 3, huggable, with a secret past and a dark secret. (I'm joking, mom.) I mean really though, the security was crazy. They made me dump out my (freshly organized) backpack, full of folded flags (which I had to unfold for them), my Bible (which I had to unzip and flip through the pages of), and I even had to dump out my gum. Nothing says "good morning, Nick!" like telling me to dump out my gum. This is where mercy plays a big role in my life. I forgive you, security guards, and I thank you for your service to Krakow and to God.

The castle was absolutely gorgeous. No joke. I mean I never went in (you had to pay Zlotys, and I was steadily spending them), but the outside was marvelous. Especially because they had a Lody shop. :) (This is why I lost no weight on the trip, now that I look back.)

So we never got to go inside of the castle (I'm sure I can find a free digital tour somewhere). However, we did enter the Cathedral that lied inside the castle walls. Again, Poland is SOO Catholic, that they had the Cathedral for the Kings and Queens (some of who are now canonized Saints) to attend mass. We entered through the Door of Mercy, (even though there were like 50 trillion doors of mercy in Poland, this one was very extravagant) and went inside the church. It is named after Saint Stanislaus, who is the Patron (and first canonized) Saint of Poland.

The Cathedral was absolutely stunning, and the working in the walls was so mesmerizing. We walked downstairs into a room of tombs, and I found a plaque that read Fryderyk Chopin (the famous pianist), and assumed it was his tomb. When I flew home after WYD, I told my sister of the tomb, who also studies music. She had been studying in Paris over the summer, and told me that she saw his tomb in Paris. Come to find out, Chopin was born and raised in Poland, but then moved to Paris to study music. When he died, he requested that his body be buried in Paris, but his heart be kept in Poland. It was awesome that Maggie and I literally saw his heart and body within a couple of weeks of each other. It really is a small world, after all.

After leaving the castle, we went shopping, explored Krakow some more, and I witnessed a nun buy some authentic Polish vodka for her spiritual director. Nbd.

That afternoon, our group met to travel to Blonia Park to welcome Pope Francis. I definitely brought my poncho this time. And it rained some more. I was protected, though, Praise the Lamb. We arrived, traded items with people from other countries, and then music rang out, as the screens showed Pope Francis boarding a tram to come to Blonia Park. On the tram were the sick and elderly, where he talked with and blessed each one of them. Then he boarded his Pope Mobile, as we began to sing some fun WYD songs, including "Jesus Christ, You are my Life." As he pulled through Blonia Park, we sang "Yes my Lord, you know that I love you" in many different languages. Then we sang a song that sounded like it was straight out of a Tim Burton movie. Pope Francis passed by our section, as we cheered for the Holy Father in our fashionable ponchos.

They then told us to say "hello" to Pope Francis in our native languages, which was very awesome, and very loud. We sang our "local spaghetti" to him, next. Then, the Cardinal of Poland welcomed Francis, and presented him with the official WYD pilgrim backpack. Then, there were dances done (starting with Polish) that represented each of the six inhabited continents of the world. Each continent presented a Saint from their country for the event, and it was not until Pope Francis saw Mother Teresa of Calcutta that he genuinely smiled in sheer happiness (1:26:30...WATCH HIS FACE).

They then had a bunch of people dressed up as Saints, with a certain prayer attributed to each one. Then, the Book of the Gospels was passed through each person, as we all sang a chorus of "Alleluia!" with the Book finally ending at the pulpit in the hands of a priest. He began to read the Gospel. "Martha, Martha, you fret and worry about so many things." This Gospel reading always reminds me of my friend Martha H. from High School, because we would always say "Martha, Martha" and she would say "sweet baby Jesus, what?" Ahh, Martha. I'll never forget her.

Then, Pope Francis got up to speak for the first time, publicly, in his visit to Poland. (You can read the full text here.) After explaining the theme of mercy, Francis shared:
"Dear young people, in these days Poland, this noble land, is in a festive mood; in these days Poland wants to be the ever-youthful face of mercy. From this land, with you and all those young people who cannot be present today yet join us through the various communications media, we are going to make this World Youth Day an authentic Jubilee celebration, in this Jubilee of Mercy." After coming home and reading this, I realized that WYD definitely was a jubilee of mercy. Whether it was offering mercy to those staying in close quarters to you, to letting go of long in the past struggles, mercy was present. 

In reference to the recent happenings in the world, the Holy Father asked if we were ready for things to change (we screamed yes), and asked if we were ready to be the ones to start the change (yes). 

"A merciful heart is able to be a place of refuge for those who are without a home or have lost their home; it is able to build a home and a family for those forced to emigrate; it knows the meaning of tenderness and compassion. A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants. To say the word “mercy” along with you is to speak of opportunity, future, commitment, trust, openness, hospitality, compassion and dreams. But are you able to dream? [Yes!] When the heart is open and able to dream, there is room for mercy, there is room to caress those who suffer, there is room to draw close to those who have no peace of heart or who do not have the bare necessities to live, or who do not have the most beautiful thing of all: the faith. Mercy. Let us together repeat this word: mercy. All of you! [Mercy!] Again! [Mercy!] And once more, so the whole world can hear you! [Mercy!]." 

Especially in Southern Louisiana right now, I am witnessing merciful hearts everywhere, as many people's houses have been flooded because of recent historic and epic rainfall. The face of mercy is an ever youthful one, as Francis declares, and Lafayette and Baton Rouge have young college and high school students volunteering and helping, changing the world. Showing the world that mercy is real, love is present, and God is good. It brings me so much joy and hope for the world to see people showing love in their actions, not just their words.

He then went on to say that too many youth are "retiring" from the faith. They stop attending mass in their 20s, stop praying, and they lose their relationship with God because of that. 

When he finished talking, the Holy Father gave a Papal  Blessing (whaaaaaaaaaat) and we journeyed back to our hostel.

I would like to end today's blog with the end of Pope Francis' opening talk.

"All together, let us ask the Lord, each repeating in the silence of his or her heart: “Lord, launch us on the adventure of mercy! Launch us on the adventure of building bridges and tearing down walls, be they barriers or barbed wire. Launch us on the adventure of helping the poor, those who feel lonely and abandoned, or no longer find meaning in their lives. Launch us on the journey of accompanying those who do not know you, and telling them carefully and respectfully your Name, the reason for our faith."

Thus ends Day 9.

Nicholas Scalfano

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Day 8: Catechesis, Night of Mercy

So on Day 8, we spent the whole day in the Krakow Tauron Arena. (If you live in Lafayette, it's like the Cajundome on steroids. If you live in Alexandria, it's nothing like the Coliseum, go to the Cajundome to get a feel for it.) So we arrive by tram, for it was a good 5 or 6 kilometers away from our hostel. The Tauron Arena held about 20,000 people, and the awesome part was that they were all English speaking countries (USA, Britain, Ireland, Australia, etc), so I understood everything that was said. In Catechesis, they had different venues around the city for various languages. Praise the Lamb we had air conditioning in our venue.

To watch the catechesis and mass, click here.

We entered, the stage was massive. Props to the Knights of Columbus! Chris Stefanick was giving an opening talk on Pope JPII, Saint Faustina, and Maximilian Kolbe. He told a story about JPII helping a whole Communist community in Poland that turned to Christ, even though their government did not. He came back to Poland as Pope, and the people shouted "We want God! We want God!" He then called up a nun from The Sisters of Life, who spoke on how much God loves us, how much time he puts into us. "If you are here [on Earth], you're blessed. You're put here for a reason." She said, "love is demanding if it's going to be real."

He then called up Jason and Crystalina Evert, as they entered with thunderous applause. Jason spoke about living your life in true love, where our goal now is not the absence of sin, but is the presence of a clean heart.

Chris then called up Cardinal Sean O'Malley. He spoke on why Pope Francis called for a Jubilee Year of Mercy. At this time in society, abortions, homelessness, refugees, disrespect for each other and creation: all of these require mercy, and all of these are so apparent in today's world.

We then celebrated the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Following mass, we split into break out sessions. The first one I attended was titled "The Souls of John Paul II," which was by George Weigel, the man who actually wrote JPII's biography. He spoke of JPII's many souls, such as his Polish, Marian, and Acting Souls. He ended with the quote, "It is no longer permitted to live in mediocrity." The second break out session I attended was called "The Biology of the Theology of the Body," by Vicky Thorn. This talk dove deeper into the Theology of the Body, and actually went into the science of "why" birth control is wrong, and other topics.

I actually was not supposed to be in the second break out session, due to fire hazard reasons. Leah A. and I snuck into some seats and shared seats with other people, then Leah sat on the floor and we covered her up with backpacks and flags that people from other countries offered us. This was true solidarity at work. True fraternity.

After the talk, I got lost, and ended up in the chapel (this was about the size of the Rapides Parish Coliseum), and I looked to my left, saw some priests available for confession, and went. I then spent some time in silent adoration.

After that, everyone met back into the main room for the American gathering.

To watch it, click here.

They introduced each state in America, along with many bishops from the USA. One of the co-hosts looked, dressed, and sounded like a Kindergarten teacher (Obviously this is relevant information). There were a lot of people who weren't from the USA, so they were given awkward applauses ("Let's give it up from the USA...(applause)...and friends! (applause)).

The most moving part of the USA part, was when a group of young people gave testimony. Testimony to Auschwitz, Rwanda persecutions, and Syrian refugees.

"The age of martyrs isn't over. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, Syria, and other parts of the Middle East, have paid the ultimate price for their faith in Jesus." He offered prayer, and fasting (sharing in the sacrifice, solidarity). "Let us pray for all modern day martyrs, especially Father Jacques, the 86 year old priest who was killed yesterday in France. Let us pray for God to give us courage to be missionaries of mercy in the midst of persecution."

The next was on police, race, and gun violence in the United States. This part was intense because all of this had been happening as we left our homes the past week. And as stated by a speaker earlier in the day, a pilgrimage is not a vacation. A vacation is when you escape from the world. A pilgrimage is when you embrace the world more fully. Talking about the current tragic events going on really hit me hard. Evil is real and will do anything to gain access to the world. But where evil is present, grace abounds all the more.

Next, a youth group from San Diego stood onstage. They were eating dinner in Munich, when a man ran in and shouted that there was a shooting outside. They cried, they were shocked to the core as they heard shots ran out. But they continued on their journey to the land of JPII, the land of mercy. He ended with JPII's words: "Do Not Be Afraid."

Jesus, I trust in you.

They ended this part of the evening with Classic American Patriotic songs.

The next part of the evening was the absolute best. Put on by Lifeteen International, we had a "Night of Mercy" with worship by Matt Maher and Audrey Assad, speakers Joel Stepanick and Bishop Robert Barron.

To watch the Night of Mercy (watch it), click here.

It started off with some praise with Matt and Audrey, and then Joel gave a testimony about how Christ is not done with us yet. Then, he ended in prayer and welcomed our King in the Eucharist, as they processed with Jesus into the main arena. Matt sang a wonderful rendition of "Come As You Are," with the beautiful lyric, "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't heal." (I would like to add this for a second. My personal prayer includes that of charisms, and many of the pilgrims I came with are very traditional. I am not bringing them down or anything, because we all have our own personal way of conversation with the Lord.) I don't want to type up a lot about this evening, but I will say that it was well needed. By this point in time, this was the largest adoration I had ever attended. 20,000 people. Yet, in the midst of the people and the music, God was with me, and only me. (And I'm humble.) He was there to talk with me and I was just overwhelmed with peace and love, and I realized that in this arena, I could let go and just sing out my praises, whether they were on key or not; I could stand up and dance, if the spirit led me to; I could smile, laugh, cry, or do whatever my heart desired, because I was with my God, and no one could take that away from me.

Then Bishop Barron went up to the altar, and spoke, while Jesus lie in the Eucharist directly to his left. He posed the question: Why was the cross necessary? You can listen on the link.

"We Christians are made to invade the world, so as to transform it from the inside. How? Through the power of the cross." Through mercy. Joining the long line of Christian martyrs. Just like Father Jacques.

We then had benediction, the Divine Praises, and He recessed out.

We sang Matt Maher's song, "Christ Is Risen," singing:
"Oh death, where is your sting?
Oh Hell, where is your victory?
Oh Church, come stand in the light!
The Glory of God has defeated the night!
Our God is not dead, He's alive!"

God won the battle. Though on Earth, nothing seems to be going right, we know that the Church is one place we can remain safe, and be at peace, and ultimately be home with our God.

Praise God for this evening of personal enrichment. We headed back to our hostel (though we waited at the bus stop for about 45 minutes) (Ho ho ho hosanna, ha ha hallelujah) and went to bed. It had been a long day in the Tauron Arena. Thus ended Day 8.

USA Evening
Night of Mercy (Adoration)

Nicholas Scalfano

Day 7: Salt Mines, Opening Mass

On Tuesday morning, bright and early, 3 nuns and 5 pilgrims woke up to travel to Wieliczka, where famous salt mines were located. The salt mines closed in 1996, and have now been turned into a tourist attraction and museum. Our group had the morning off, so the 8 of us decided to go to the salt mines (When in Poland, right?). It was Sr. Fatima, Sr. Nina, Sr. Lizbeth, Sarah L, Cameron E, Ross M, Emily P, and me. 

This was actually the first time that I ever got to ride a tram and train. We boarded the tram (all access passes included in our pilgrim passes, Praise the Lamb) and rode to the train station. The quick jolt surprised me, but I got pretty used to it. The Poles were obviously making fun of us as we bumped into each other with each start and stop. It's not my fault that Alexandria and Lafayette aren't cool enough to have trams, okay? We get off at the train station, and wait about 10 minutes for our train. When it arrived, we entered. It was much nicer than the tram, with more room and a smoother ride. 

When we arrived at Wieliczka, no one spoke English; they only pointed. So we walked in the direction of the mine, only to be turned around because the entrance we went to was for groups only, and we were to get tickets as individuals, with our own Zlotys. Getting in line as individuals, two kilometers later, we got our tickets, except for Cameron, whose bag was too large, so she had to walk back and put it in storage. Our group split into two, with Sr. Nina, Sarah, Emily, and I heading the first one. We walked down a million and a half stairs, before coming to the first level of the mine. Throughout the mines, we came across the tracks that the car would go on, gnomes that the miners built for their children to play with, and lots of salt. We even licked the walls when our tour guide was not looking, just to make sure our Zlotys were put to legitimate use, for actual salt.

The most amazing part, though, were the chapels. In our small tour, we came across 3 different chapels. Two were very simple, but the final one was extremely intricate. With chandeliers, salt carvings of The Last Supper and other biblical events, and even a salt statue of John Paul II, these mines really confirmed the fact that Poland is Catholic, and very Catholic at that. A choir was in the chapel as we entered, and I literally thought that I was listening to the 9 choirs of angels in that salt mine. Who knew a glimpse of Heaven was only 400 feet under Earth's surface? I think that the choir really made Jesus smile, that, and the fact that we were literally being the salt of the Earth (#Sermon On The Mount). Also, our tour guide was secretly The Flash, because she made a 2 1/2 hour tour 1 3/4 hour, which means we had to wait even longer for our second half. But after playing in the children's play area, the other group came, and we began our journey back. When they said there was an elevator to take to the top, I did not expect a legit mine shaft, but that was quite the (fast) ride. And thus the many salty jokes began.

I don't know if I have made this mistake a lot in the previous posts, but I feel like I am pressing the comma key when I should be pressing the period. Again, sorry English teachers.

So we begin our journey back to the train, and we stop for Lody. This, THIS was the best Lody I had on the trip. It was absolutely stellar. Then we boarded the train, and began our journey back for the opening mass for World Youth Day.

Once we arrived back at the hostel, and met up with the rest of the group, we began our journey to Blonia Park. The journey was longer than I expected. When we left the hostel, the skies were all clear. So we began down the street, and I am slowly thinking, wow it's hot. I thought it would be nice if some clouds appeared to ease the sunlight on my delicate skin.

While we were away at the salt mines, the rest of the group spent their morning very productively; they bought a watermelon. They also stuck an American Flag into it and paraded around the city chanting U-S-A, while calling the watermelon, melone. Melone: The Golden Calf of World Youth Day.

We walked around the castle in Krakow, and followed the signs to Blonia Park. About halfway there, my wish was granted, and clouds covered the sky. And those clouds came full. Full of water. Full of water. And since their were clear skies when we left, I did not think to pack a poncho. But apparently everyone else did...except for Brenna and me. And then the floodgates of heaven were opened, and rain poured upon Krakow, showering cold, cold blessings upon all of us. I received more than everyone else, because their ponchos were blocking all those blessings. My cotton clothes were soaking up those blessings like crazy. After walking about a kilometer in the rain, it continued to rain. And rain, and rain.

Before we walked to our seats we had a great view of the gigantic park. Then, suddenly, someone pulled a Moses, and the golden calf was no more. Melone was split in two. I, being the humble person I am, reached in and grabbed a huge bite of Melone, and others followed. After the watermelon was completely cleaned out, two pilgrims used each half of the water melon as a hat.

We found our spots at Blonia, and they were the best seats of all the many many sections. We were directly in front of the stage. When we showed them our ticket, they handed us a trash bag; I asked for a few more for my friends. They handed me some more, and little did they know, my friends were my torso, my butt and my backpack. We sat down, and the rain ceased. Praise the Lamb!

The giant screens were showing footage of the past world youth days, which only made me more excited for this one. As we drew nearer to the time of the Opening Mass, the choir sang the Theme Song for World Youth Day: Blogoslawieni Milosierni. Or as we say in English: Blessed Are the Merciful. Or as we say in English at World Youth Day: Local Spaghetti.

Mass begins, and Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz is the celebrant. The choir is absolutely beautiful, and I look around and see A LOT of people. Cardinal does a welcome in Polish, and then proceeds to welcome each one of the pilgrims in their native language. It was beautiful. He does his thank yous and opening remarks. Then, relics of Saints John Paul II and Faustina Kowalska are brought upon the altar, symbolizing their presence during this World Youth Day of mercy.
Mass continues, and then the Kyrie begins. "Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy." It was beautiful.

To listen, click here. 

It is around the 1:01:35 mark. It's definitely worth your time. And if you have time, the whole mass is a beautiful one. The Kyrie is followed by the Gloria, and the mass continues. The Psalm: Proclaim His marvelous deeds to all the nations." It was neat because "all the nations" were actually there!

Then the Gospel, where we sang the beautiful Alleluia. Then, they actually sang the entire Gospel. Cardinal then gave his homily, and gave a sermon on love and peace among all nations. You can watch the entire homily in the above link.

The next part that stuck out to me was the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy). W O W. It's at 1:52:35. Then I began to get worried as to how hectic Communion would be. But Jesus, I trust in You. After the consecration, the sign of peace (it was like the other day at Niepokolanow, but on steroids), and the rest of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, communion started, and these priests with big, white umbrellas came around. And the Europeans, not knowing what lines are, made a mad dash towards the priest. I eventually got it, and the choir continued to sing beautiful hymns. The hymns were in different languages, all very moving, and then they played a song called "Jesus Christ, You are My Life."

This song was written for past World Youth Days. At first, it may sound cheesy, but it really turned into an anthem for our love of Jesus Christ. You can listen at 2:22:50.
"Jesus Christ, you are my life, Alleluia, Alleluia,
Jesus Christ, you are my life, you are my life, Alleluia"

To look around, and see thousands of flags waving, hundreds of thousands of people singing, it was breathtaking. So many Catholics professing Christ as their reason for living, as their Savior, and their King. The choir changed keys multiple times, moving steps up on the scale, as the chorus repeated and got louder. Really, go listen to this song. We all became a little younger this week, as we recognized ourselves as sons and daughters of the Father.

We then received the final blessing; World Youth Day 2016 had officially begun. Amen.

We left Blonia in huge crowds, and our group got split up, but we all made it back to the hostel, melonheads and all.

Thus ends Day 7.

Nicholas Scalfano

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 6: Shrine of Divine Mercy, Tour of Inner Krakow

Day 6 was a day I was really looking forward to! I even had a special shirt for it. BUT, my brother, Jon, gave my Large-sized body a Medium-sized shirt. Me, being the stubborn guy I am, wore it anyway, and just sucked in. We woke up and got on the bus to go to the Shrine of Divine Mercy. Saint Faustina is the one who God revealed His teaching of Divine Mercy to, and I was really excited to see the shrine. I did not know, however, that Saint Faustina's convent was BEHIND the shrine! Whhhaaat. You know the famous "Jesus, I trust in You" picture? That is the image of Divine Mercy, with the rays of Blood and Water flowing from Christ's Sacred Heart. Christ revealed Himself to Faustina and she got an artist to paint this image of Mercy for all the world.

We also had a new tour guide this day, Luke.  Luke was a little less talkative than Ewa, and much more reserved than Conrad.

The Convent was our first stop. Luke gave us a brief history on the convent, but I was somewhat distracted by the nuns that beautifully covered the walkways, their habits identical to every picture I've seen of Faustina. To see The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, and how they have evolved just as mercy itself has evolved since the mid 20th century, I was completely awestruck.

We then got to see a replica of Sister Faustina Kowalska's cell, where she stayed at the convent. It was small, devout, and simple. Her Diary is a well-known and used source for people to learn of the origin of Mercy, and Saint Faustina's daily life, along with the sufferings she endured. It is a beautiful witness to how we should not be complaining to our own misfortunes. We should be offering them up as a sacrifice to the One who sacrificed everything for you and me. We as Christians are called to follow Christ, and where did He ultimately end up? On the cross. So must we be able to endure our own daily crosses, because it is what lies beyond the cross that we live and die for: Eternal Life with God Himself.

We also entered the chapel where the sisters pray and have mass. It was simple, intricate, and beautiful all at the same time. Saint Faustina's remains lie under the Image of Divine Mercy, as a way for her to always be remembered as a channel and instrument of God's mercy to the world, so must we all pray to be working instruments of God's mercy.

We then went to the souvenir shop attached to the Sanctuary, and people bought some things. I really considered buying a T Shirt of the Sanctuary, but decided against it.

We then made our way to the Sanctuary. It was huge. Like B I G. And very, very different from the rest of the churches in Europe. Instead of a gothic style cathedral, this modern Sanctuary was open, curved, and simple. The primary focus was to the front and center altar, where Jesus lay in the Tabernacle. Large stain glassed windows lined the walls. The architectural design resembled and ellipsoidal boat, with a large tower as a mast. I climbed the tower. And climbed, and climbed, and climbed. When I got the top, I was mesmerized by aerial views of Krakow. When we decided to go down, I decided to take the elevator with Sr. Fatima. But we waited for 20 minutes. So we went to the other side.., then the side we were originally on opened up. So we went back, just to have our place take in line again, and we waited for some more...and some more...and some more. We eventually did get down, after a long 35 minutes of waiting. Have mercy! (haha, lame joke)

While I was praying in the Sanctuary, I was suddenly disturbed by a thought that kept entering my head. "Nick, go buy that shirt." It kept replaying in my head, and I could not concentrate. I know it sounds lame, but it was a legitimized thought! So I went to the souvenir shop and bought the T Shirt that I wanted to buy earlier. Apparently, God was done giving me mercy for wearing a Medium sized shirt, and was telling me to stop paining others from looking at me in that shirt, so I changed. Jesus Christ makes all things new, especially in my T Shirts. His mercies are new every morning, and with every well-fitted T Shirt.

We then got back on the bus and headed to Krakow, where we had to say goodbye to our beast bus driver, Daniel. Godspeed, Daniel. Godspeed.

Luke gave us a tour Krakow. We came to the market square, where many shops were available for souvenirs. Here, we got to see many, many pilgrims gathered in one spot. We began introducing ourselves (as we split up into smaller groups, some smaller than others *cough cough*) to people in other countries. People were actually very excited to hear that we were from the United States of America, which really surprised me. And I learned that we actually take a lot of stuff for granted, especially our religious liberty and many freedoms.

I got to meet many people from Great Britain (they are cooler in real life than in the media), Switzerland, Brazil, Spain, Holland, other Poles, Italy, Italy, and more Italy, and Australia (also really awesome)!

Saint Mary's Basilica was the central hub of the square, and it was so miraculously beautiful in all of its ways. In such gothic and gold architectures, the acoustics and designs were breathtaking. There was adoration of the Blessed Sacrament going on, which I stayed in for a bit, because I needed some alone time with Jesus (everything had been busy and with other people).

Then, Luke took us to the archdiocese, where we saw a window that Saint John Paul II spoke out of to the youth when he was a cardinal in Krakow. Pope Francis would speak out of that window later in the week. 

Next we went by the college in Krakow that John Paul the second actually attended.

We then walked thorugh a park and came across the castle in Krakow. The castle, which was a legit castle, used to be inhabited by Kings and Queens before democracy became primary. We did not go into the castle at this time, because the line was as long as this blog. Then we went back to our hostel and had some free time to roam about the city (now that we actually somewhat knew where we were going) and met later that evening.

Upon reflecting on this day, I realized that evening how amazing it was to walk in the footsteps of major Saints, and I was again reminded of how I want to be a Saint, and how they were just like I am right now at one point int their lives. Everyone can be a Saint if they put their mind to it. Walking where they walked, and hearing what they said was just  constant reminder of our ultimate call to holiness.

It is at this point that we ended our mission week, learning about the country of Poland and the people it fosters and remembers. From Maximilian Kolbe, to Jerzy Popieluszko, to Faustina Kowalska, to JPII, Poland is such a Holy country. Upon reflection, I came to the realization that America is nothing like Poland. We have neither the pride nor the spirituality of Poland. I do not see great Saints such as those listed above coming about in America, and it inspired me to actually become that Saint, so that one day, there can be a World Youth Day in America, and a youth will attend and b so inspired by the spirituality of America, that he wants to become a Saint himself.

Lord, help the USA grow in its spirituality and devotion to you, so that we may be a merciful and loving country to all those who need love and mercy. Help us become your living Saints on Earth, so that, inspired by your servants in Poland, we may also come home to You. Amen,

Thus ends day 6.

Nicholas Scalfano

Monday, August 8, 2016

Day 5: Auschwitz, Wadowice

Honestly, Day 5 will be extremely hard to write about. We woke up very early that morning to head to Auschwitz, about an hour West of Krakow. Auschwitz is the Nazi concentration camp(s) used during WWII to kill off the Jewish and Polish peoples.

On this day, we had a new tour guide, Ewa. She was no Conrad, but was still very knowledgeable about the area. She was a Polish Catholic, and loved to talk. Loved to talk. Again, she loved to talk. On the way there, she gave us a brief history of the area, and as we arrived, she talked about the actual concentration camps.

We arrived at Aucshwitz I, the first camp made by the Nazi's. There, we got to see the infamous "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate, which translates to "Work Sets You Free." This is the lie told to everyone entering the camp. They thought they were safe while entering, but we know the rest of the story. TO walk through the gate, and to see the double electric fence surrounding the camp, I was shattered. How could man do this to man? How could we ever kill our brothers and sisters?

We got to see the building where Saint Maximilian Kolbe died. As stated before, Kolbe offered his life in place of another man's at the camp. Kolbe was a priest and celebrated many masses and offered many confessions for the prisoners there, so that they may go home to their Father in Heaven in eternal peace and rest.

After Auschwitz I we drove to Auschwitz II, better known as Birkenau. This one was more emotionally impacting. As we walked in, we immediately recognized the notorious railroad tracks, where millions of people arrived, ignorantly awaiting their own deaths. We walked along the ditches where babies were thrown because of the "surplus population." We stood where people were shot because of their race and religion. We walked around the entire camp, where not much grew, and not much lived. All you heard was the crunching of the feet, with the weight of man's sins heavy in air. No wildlife was seen, and no plant grew. We passed the gas chamber, the "living" quarters, and the working field. We then passed the most real part of it all; in front of me, there lay a small pond, with a black monument in front that read, in four different languages:

"To the memory of the men, women, and children who fell victim to the Nazi genocide. In this pond lie their ashes. May their souls rest in peace."

I will be completely honest; I do not want to type out all of the facts and tragedies presented to me on this dismal day. This day made me aware of how precious life is, and how awesome Christ is, because he gave us an objective truth of living. Hitler had his own truth, and Auschwitz resulted from that. Certain Americans have their own truth on life, and abortion is a result of that. Life is precious, and God's truth protects life.

The parallels of the Holocaust and abortion are frightening. Are not women being promised freedom by killing their child, but ultimately they end up dying (emotionally, spiritually, sometimes physically) themselves? They are given a false promise of freedom, and end up becoming slaves to world of death. The numbers of abortion are exponentially higher than that of the number of deaths during the Holocaust. Culture tries to make its own families, its own perfect reality, just as Hitler tried to make his own perfect race. Hitler ended up committing suicide, just as our society is slowly committing its own suicide by taking away the dignity of being a human person.

Hitler wanted his own perfect race. But when has anyone except for Christ been perfect here on Earth? No one has, because to achieve perfection is not of this world. It's of the next. And there is not a perfect race, because we are made to be different, to complement each other.

Pope John Paul II said, "It is the duty of every man to uphold the dignity of every woman." Are we men doing our best to protect women? To protect those who give life? Are we being doers, and not watchers? Are we following our own truths, or the Truth, which is Jesus Christ? ("I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life")

After visiting Auschwitz, we went to Saint John Paul II's hometown, Wadowice. This, being very different from Auschwitz, was a celebration of life. First, we walked into the Basilica of JPII, and it was so beautiful! We got to see many of his relics, along with a chair he sat in when he came back to his hometown, along with a chair that Pope Benedict XVI sat in. The church was used for many confessions at the time, it being the year of mercy, and the theme of WYD this year was "Blessed are the merciful."

For those of you that do not know, Saint John Paul II actually started World Youth Day in 1985. He loved the youth, even as archbishop of Krakow. He also helped get the message of Divine Mercy to the world, from Saint Faustina's teachings and Diary. Saint JPII was definitely present in Wadowice, with children playing in fountains, people having the happiest dispositions, and the love present among the atmosphere.

We also got to see his original house, which is now a museum. I toured it with Krista, a pretty awesome pilgrim. You were not allowed to take pictures, but I snuck in a good hundred snaps or so. The museum was all about his life growing up, becoming a priest, and eventualy becoming pope; the museum also had moments from every place his visited in interactive displays, along with his original birth room, kitchen, and living area. That was awesome! To see where an actual Saint was born, in such a normal place. Just as Jesus was born in such a lowly place. If these people are great, who is to say that I can't be?

In one part, they had a glass case in the floor, holding the actual gun that a man used to shoot JPII. That part was intense; it made it even more special in his message of mercy, seeing that JPII forgave the man who shot him. If someone shot me, and I lived...oh goodness, I don't think I would be able to forgive so fast. Easier said than done. And that is why he is a Saint, and I'm not...yet. I'm slowly trying to become one, it just takes small steps.

The town of Wadowice was definitely alive because of JPII's life. It was inspiring to see how one man's journey to Heaven inspires so many people's desire for greatness and for genuine happiness. We also got to eat in Wadowice, and I ate with some friends at a genuine Polish restaurant, where I bought some pirogues with meat, and they were absolutely fantastic. Also, I bought some Iced Tea, which I am pretty sure John Paul II drank himself because it was so good and so not that wicked, evil, devil gas water. Also, the town had Pope cake! It is a type of cake (I don't remember the specific name, but everyone called it Pope cake) that John Paul II said he enjoyed as a child, so the whole town started selling gobs of it. It was really good! I mean I've had better, but after eating really bland Polish food for days, it was nice to have a sweet change. Also, I found out where all the ice in Europe goes to...Lody (Ice Cream), it's all they eat! What a Lody crap, right? I want ice in my water, my Coke, my tea! (Not that gas water, though.)

After leaving Wadowice, we got on the bus and headed to a church for Sunday mass. This is where our bus driver, Daniel, showed his beast skills at tour bus maneuvering. That bus went in place that I don't even think I would be able to drive my Honda Accord through. Up and down, sideways, through a mountain range, and finally, on the side of a mountain, stood a massive Basilica, entitled Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (try saying that 5 times really fast). IT overlooked the city of Krakow from miles away, high in the air. Speakers surrounded the outside of the church, and we heard a mass being said as we walked up. The priest was at the consecration, and everyone outside was kneeling. Again, Poland is so Catholic, that even if the church was full, they would be outside worshiping the same way as if they were inside. Beautiful. We went behind the Basilica and eventually found a side chapel dedicated to Saint Anthony for mass. We said mass, and on our way out, we saw a huge hill. On this hill stood the Stations of the Cross. A small replica of what Jesus had to endeavor at Calvary was recreated in Poland, for anyone who wished to walk in his steps and follow the events of Christ's Passion and Death.

As we left, Daniel (Dang* Daniel, back at it with the bus driving) drove that bus down the mountain, back to our hostel, where we were told we had some time to go eat. I had a really great meal that evening, and I wish I knew the name, but I don't. I have a picture, but I'm still not sure on how to upload it. One day, one day. We got back to hostel for our nightly pow wow, and we received our World Youth Day Pilgrim Packages, which included a lot of items, including a scarf that came in handy in more that one event, even though it was the middle of summer. (Being of Polish descent, I have very, very white skin, and I wrapped my head continuously, so that my scalp and neck would not burn.

Anyway, I'm not sure why I typed all of that last paragraph, but thus ends day 5.

Nicholas Scalfano

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Day 4: Jasna Gora, Castle

Oh wow, I'm only on Day 4. This is taking longer than expected. Day 4 was one of the days I was really looking forward to, the visit to Our Lady of Czestochowa.

If this were a movie, this would be the scene where I'd flash back.

My mother's side of the family is from Poland, so my mom knows about Our Lady of Czestochowa, or the Black Madonna. The Black Madonna is not well known, and no, it is not an African American version of Our Lady to eliminate racism. If there is one thing to know about Poland, it is that they are not very diverse to begin with.

The following information is from "The Glories of Czestochowa and Jasna Gora: Miracles Attributed to Our Lady's Intercession" by the Marian Press, paraphrased. If you don't want to read this part, that's cool, I'll never know. (But maybe you're the one who needs to read it the most.)

[Jesus was a carpenter. Jesus built a table. Mary did her work at the table. St. Luke (yes, the Gospel guy Luke) was a painter. Mary moved in with St. John after Jesus' death ("Behold your mother/son"). The table came with her, and she continued to use it. "By its side, for hours, sat the Holy Mother of Sorrows, and as she wept (her son just died), her tears soaked into the grain of this table as they fell upon it" (17). St. Luke painted an image of Our Lady on that exact table. Mary was holding the baby Jesus in this image. Luke, chatting with Our Lady, "gathered material from their conversation which later aided him in writing the gospels." I mean really, who better to ask about Jesus than his mother? I know my mom knows more about me than I do. Anyway, they sat and talked at this very table! The table that would later have Mary's face painted on it, that I would be seeing in person.

So the picture survived through the ages, and was hidden in various tombs and catacombs. It was later passed around as a gift among kings and ambassadors. It can also be noted (I know there is a lot of passive voice, I hope my English teachers are not reading) that there are scars present on her face made by some Hussites in 1430. No matter how many times they try to remove the scars, they kept reappearing.

You're also wondering why she's called the Black Madonna. "For a few centuries, it was retained in the East where, to this day, there exists the following traditional custom: The faithful burn votive candles in front of sacred pictures and images. Consequently, dust and smoke do their share on the destruction of the paintings, along with countless venerations (kissing) and handling." The image was also painted by someone who saw and knew the Mother of God: St. Luke. So he had a first-hand witness to what she actually looked like. The painting is dressed with physical cloth around Mary and Jesus' faces, and the clothes have been changed out (because a lady cannot wear the same dress for too long, I guess).

Multiple miracles have been attributed to her, including calming seas, healing the sick/dead, etc.]

History lesson over. I comprised about 30 pages into a few paragraphs. I'm awesome. And I'm humble. (I said "And I'm humble" multiple times this trip, mainly to remind myself of my pride.)

Anyway, as we arrived in Jasna Gora, we walked under the gate of Our Lady of Sorrows (The leaders of our group were 3 nuns from the order of Our Lady of Sorrows). We then had mass in a side chapel, in English again. Although we have been having masses in English, half of the mass is said in Latin, so we basically had a Lenglish mass. After mass, we had an appointment with Our Lady (that sounds cheesy, but we literally did have a certain time to go into the chapel).

As I walked in, I immediately felt a Holy Presence. Another group began singing a slow, beautifully drawn out version of "Hail Holy Queen" (not the Sister Act version), which added to the magnificence of the atmosphere. Then someone else began singing a song to Mary (I think) in another language, which was also very beautiful. Part of me was hoping someone would start Ave Maria, because I actually know that one (I am sooo bilingual...and humble).

I faintly saw the image from far away. The lighting was very dark, very intense. Crutches and rosaries lined the walls, signifying the many healings and miracles attributed to her. I actually went to Jasna Gora with a special intention on my heart. An intention that I pray for everyday, and I have faith and hope a miracle will happen to ensure my intention will be answered. I finally got the front of the chapel, inside of the gated area, where I knelt down and began to pray to Christ in the tabernacle, with the origianl painting of Our Lady of Czestochowa right above her Son. I prayed the Hail Holy Queen, a Hail Mary, and finally, the Memorare, which, until that day, I never payed attention to words within the prayer. It really is beautiful:

"Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it know that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly ot you, O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother. To you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate (Jesus), despise not my petitions, but in your mercy, hear and answer me. Amen."

AMEN, RIGHT?! After I prayed it, I prayed it again. I was so reassured that a miracle would happen and my intention would be answered. I still have faith and hope that it will be answered to this day. And, if you are reading this, please, please, please aid me in prayer to Christ through intercession of the Black Madonna that my prayer be answered.

I felt such peace as I left the chapel, and I thanked Our Lady, my spiritual Mother, for holding me in her arms, as any mother would.

I walked into the Basilica at Jasna Gora, which was connected to the Chapel where the painting was held, and it was very white, bright, and beautiful. Humongous, too, may I add. With a beautiful organ and extravagant sculptures, it made me proud to be Catholic.

We left Jasna Gora, after I ate in Pope JPII's Pilgrim House Bar (???) bought an official WYD 2016 flag (it's a weird collection thing I do).

Conrad check: He's probably eating something right now. And he decides to ask the bus driver if he can take us to a castle that he wanted to go to. The tour guide wanted to tour something brand new. So as we leave Czestochowa, the land starts to get a little bit hillier, and soon we began to see mountains. We suddenly turn on this n a r r o w country road and begin to go up and down the vast hills and towards a mountain; we suddenly enter a forest and come to a stop where cars line the tight road.

We get out and begin to walk towards a chapel. This chapel was built on stilts over a small stream, because at the time it was built, chapels could not be on land. So apparently Polish were just as self-driven and stubborn as Americans, and they built it just off of the land, and on top of the water. We later walked 2 kilometers (I actually prefer them over miles) until we realized we were heading the exact opposite way. We stopped by a little restaurant on the walk back to get some water. I was smart and asked for still water. Others were not so smart and ended up with the gas water. ("HA!," as Sr. Fatima and Blake would say.) We walked to the other side, 3 km later, and the castle was just a few bricks on the ground they called ruins. You could also climb a hill for a few Zlotys (Polish money). (Can I throw some bricks on the ground and call them ruins? My High School Report Card maybe?) Anyway, my less-than-athletic body was not paying anything to climb a hill. It would not even do it for free!

We got back on the bus and headed down the road, where we found another castle. Except THIS was a castle. It was very legitimized. It had a moat, a garden, everything. Although it was not really part of our religious pilgrimage, it provided a fun stop for pictures (When in Poland, right?).

After we got back on the bus, some of the pilgrims put to music a song that Conrad taught us. Being humans, we all go to the bathroom (hopefully), and it is a nice thing to know when in a diferent country to know how to ask where the restroom is. The song goes like this:

"It's always friendly if it's dry or wet...do do do do do...where's the toilet?"

I just realized how funny the do's sound when reading aloud.

Anyway, Krista, our musician, put it to music, and that's that. #wheresthetoilet is now a trending hashtag on Instagram. Conrad was absolutely fascinated by our fascination with his music, that he decided to tell us a story. I honestly cannot live to tell you what he said. All I know is that the story lasted for over 10 minutes, and ended with someone asking him where the toilet was.

Another thing that we started on the bus trip (yet never finished) was a game of two truth and a lie. Here is Conrad's.
1.) He walked through an IKEA wearing a Bulgarian Dress, and shook the German President's hand while there.
2.) He is fifty and has only owned two cars in his life.
3.) He got interviewed by a television team on a nudist beach. (He was always very quick to point out nudist beaches as we passed them, too.)

The lie was number two. That should help explain who Conrad is.

We then arrive in Krakow, our final destination, to our hostel. As we got off of the bus, Conrad announced that this was his last day with us, and that we had changed him for the better. Everyone began taking selfies with him and saying they will miss him (the typical white girl way). So Grant decides to dare me to say "I love you" in German. Being of unsound mind and tired body, I just thought, "why not?" So Grant told me how to say it, and I did. Then, Conrad's face looked up, had a crooked little smile, and he said "You better be careful who you say that to," then proceeds to pull out a rainbow striped card. This was no Noah's Ark rainbow, either. Everyone's suspicions were confirmed: Conrad was gay. In all reality though, all truths must come to the light. Some would say that I totally did the team a favor in emerging us out of ignorance. But in my opinion, ignorance really is bliss sometimes.

We walked into the hostel, and it did not exactly live up to the previous hotels, exactly. They were smaller and the bathrooms were basically tin cans. And then it hit me: I'm officially a pilgrim. Thus ends Day 4.

Nicholas Scalfano

PS: As previously said, please join me in prayer in intercession to Our Lady for my intention. God Bless You, if anyone even reads this lol.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Day 3: Jerzy Popieluszko, Niepokalanow, Lodz

Day 3 began with me waking up at a normal time, Praise the Lamb! We boarded the bus in Warsaw to begin our journey towards Krakow. We would make multiple stops on the way there, part of our Days in the Diocese, and part of our pilgrimage to the City of Mercy.

We began the day by stopping by the church of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko. (The man that the movie on the bus was about yesterday.) There, we saw the beautiful church he presided at, and we learned more about his mission of Solidarity, against Communism, as he fought for workers' rights and man's dignity. One of his main sayings was "Overcome evil with good." Honestly, this is so simple, yet so profound. Especially in today's society, where so many people try to fight evil with evil. Pope John Paul II also furthered the Catholic Teaching on Solidarity, where the church is all equal to each other. whether poor or rich members, we are all sons and daughters of the Father, and we should work to achieve that unity, no matter our nationality, race, or gender. It is a beautiful teaching that comes to play later in the day.

Under the church lies a museum, where the life of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko is portrayed and reenacted with various scenes and monuments. The most moving part was the room where they had the rocks used to drown him and some water from the river he was drowned in. There was also a room of rosaries, both regular and some peculiar ones. One of them was made from military hats, as part of the Solidarity movement that Jerzy pushed for while he was in the military. Outside the church, there lied his grave, peacefully under a tree, in the shape of a cross. Surrounding the grass was a rosary made up of huge rocks, which was hauntingly beautiful.

**I am hoping to add pictures to this blog soon; I'm new to this. Bear with me.**

"The cross has become a gate for us." Another quote by Blessed Jerzy. A gate to heaven, to our home, just as any huge house with protection from evil would have a gate, the cross is our gate to heaven.

Next, we boarded the bus, with Conrad, of course. We drove a ways down the road to Niepokalanow, a town that Saint Maximilian Kolbe built while on Earth.

For those of you who do not know, St. Maximilian Kolbe was captured and brought to Auschwitz I, where he underwent many sufferings. But he also converted many people while at Auschwitz, heard many confessions, and said mass where and when he could, so that others may see the light of Christ in that dark, wretched place. When the SSS decided to kill a group of men, Maximilian took the place of one man so that he (the man) may be with his wife and children. Kolbe died at Auschwitz.

As our tour bus arrived, we walked inside the Basilica for mass. Mass had already started, and they were just about to sing "Alleluia!" for the Gospel. (That is my word to describe this day, Alleluia.) The mass was in English, but all sorts of nationalities were present. Whenever we got to the Our Father, the celebrant asked everyone to pray the Lord's Prayer in their native languages. W O W. That was incredibly powerful, and I suddenly got a sense that World Youth Day is bigger than me. World Youth Day is bigger than my group of 34 (and Conrad). World Youth Day is something bigger than any of us could imagine. We then gave each other the sign of peace. I'm getting goosebumps as I write this. Americans, Spanish, French, Syrians, English, Portugese, Arabians; everyone gave each other the sign of peace,

THIS is what the Catholic Church is about. THIS is what we need to work towards. OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD. Peace is good. We say "My peace be with you. I hold nothing against you and I love you. I give you my respect, my love, my peace." What happened in that Basilica for just a few short moments spoke volumes. Countries at war with each other shook hands and said "Peace be with you," because we are all here for one reason, and that is to get to heaven. We are all here because of one person: Jesus Christ. And we were all united with Him through the church. The Church that is ONE, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. Catholic means universal. And I definitely saw the true meaning of universal, which is Catholic. Being united as one brought peace to my heart, and was another wake up call that this event is more than anyone can fathom. It is a glimpse of Heaven itself. Praise the Lamb.

After mass, we got to tour the town by our individual selves, and I went around the Basilica to all of the different altars and praised Jesus for letting me worship and receive him in new places this summer. Following my prayer, I walked around the grounds and began to meet people from different countries. I met people from Brazil, Spain, and Portugal that day. The church is universal.

I also walked into a museum for Maximilian Kolbe, where we saw the outfit he wore at Auschwitz, paintings, his original cell at his monastery rebuilt, and his priestly vestments and mass chalices and other objects.  I also had the chance to venerate a first class relic of his.

At this point I ran into Conrad, who had a bag with a ladybug on it and food in hand. Every time I saw Conrad, he had food. Anyway, he explained that in Poland, there were stores called Biedronka, which were similar to (Dollar General), and they had the symbol of a ladybug on front. (Fun fact: Ladybugs get their name "Lady" from the Blessed Virgin Mary. And Maximilian Kolbe had a devout devotion to Our Lady.

Walking back to the main square in Niepokalanow, I heard music, and got curious. There were drums, guitars and singing in a different language. I got there, and I saw a huge circle of about 200 people doing a native Indian dance while they sang Psalms. As they finished each Psalm, they went into a chorus of "Alleluia"s. I, being myself, decided to join the circle. The dance was simple, right foot forward, left foot back, right foot to the right, and repeat. We went in a counter clockwise direction ot the beat of the drum. This was yet another way of saying that the Church is one and universal. It definitely got me excited for WYD.

Leaving the town, we got back on the bus and headed to our next stop, Lodz. When we got their, our hotel was literally a 5 million star hotel, totally not what I was expecting with the word "Pilgrimage." Anyway, we had 3 hours to tour the city, and me and my Alexandria friends walked down the second largest Boardwalk in Europe. My feet were unhappy with me by the end of the day, but they really enjoyed the bed that evening. A few of us guys (me, Luke J., Grant J., Pier and Joseph Z.) turned on the TV that evening and discovered the German version of PBS. Their mascot was really something. Named Bernd das Brot, their mascot is a depressed, barotonic monotoned load of bread. Before this information came to light via Google, we were leeft dumbfounded by the outlandish nature of German television. Do other people think about this when they come to America? Blues Clues?! A blue dog?  Or even worse.. Dog With A Blog or The Walking Dead. Random, but memorable.

Thus ends day 3.

Nicholas Scalfano

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day 2: Poland, Warsaw

Day 2 created A LOT of memories and inside jokes, especially with one person that I'm sure no one in our group will ever forget: Conrad.

Once we landed in Berlin, Germany, we had to go through Customs. First language barrier, yay. But customs was not as scary or dreadful as it was lived up to be. All we did was hand them our Passport, and get it stamped (#internationaltraveler). We then had a bus to take us to Warsaw, Poland. And our tour guide's name was...you guessed it! Conrad. He was pretty rad. (sounded funnier to me) Of German descent, Conrad cannot be described; he is his own free spirit. Conrad is Conrad, and no one can and will ever change that. I honestly have no words to describe him. Well, I do, but they come at a later time and day. Conrad spoke pretty good English, and he was very knowledgeable about the history of Berlin and architecture.

Once we boarded the bus, he began speaking about Berlin, and begged our driver to take us to see the remains of the Berlin wall, but our driver said nein. So Conrad was a little salty towards him, but it did not hinder him from making the experience any less enjoyable. Conrad was pretty flamboyant, but no one really knew if that was his typical German nature, or if there was something else in his wallet (hehe).

While on the bus, we saw the city of Berlin, its magnificent train system, and the rolling hills of Germany as they turned into flat lands. (Sort of like driving from North to South Louisiana, minus the mosquitoes, wetlands, rednecks, and Cajuns.)

The nuns put on a long movie on Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko. I began to watch it, and it was actually very entertaining, (This is a major compliment coming from me, seeing as I find most Christian movies cheesy, predictable, or straight up injustices, because of the low budgets and lackadaisical writing.) but my body had a different idea. My body found that the inside of my eyelids were more enticing than the movie screen, and, though I tried to stay up, I could not. By now, I had lost 7 hours, and there was no lost and found location. It was just lost, so my body had to adjust.

We crossed the border into Poland, and the iPhone that my dad and I unlocked at home began to work, because of a SIM card I ordered. I finally contacted my parents, told them I was alive, and we continued towards Warsaw.

Later, we stopped at a gas station/restaurant about 50 kilometers (not miles) into Poland. Conrad had a song about the restrooms, which you just say toilets in Poland. As a tour guide, many people must ask where the restroom is, so he came up with a little jingle: "It's always friendly if it's dry or wet..do do do..where's the toilet?" Before I say anything else, let me say this: my hair is very sensitive, and it needs to be washed every 24 hours, or else it gets extremely greasy and nasty. Seeing as I was not going to attempt to wash my hair in the luscious and spacey airplane bathroom, I decided to do it at this stop. So next to the restaurant was a whole building just for bathrooms. So I used the toilet and washed my hands, looked around, and went to get my hair wet. Right before I got it right, a huge group of Poles walked in. I immediately walked out. But to my right was a little pathway, so my greasy head decided to follow it. It led to a water pipe thingy. Something you don't necessarily see in America, but you know what it is anyway. So I grab the lever and go up and down on it, and to my surprise, water actually comes out. Praise the Lamb. I grabbed my bottle of shampoo (not more than 3.4 ounces, of course) and wet and lathered up my hair. As I did so, I heard someone say "Excuse me" in a terrible accent. I looked up and saw a Polish woman and her two children. She made a motion toward the pipe, and I was thinking "oh, maybe they want to wash their hair, too!" (Keep in mind that my body has not recovered from the lack of sleep and the lack of humidity.) I held out my shampoo bottle, and she looked disgusted. I mean I thought it was a pretty nice brand, but whatever, she probably had her own shampoo. No, she didn't. Instead she pulls out a huge water bottle and fills it with water. While I was just standing there, casually, with my soapy hair and confused disposition. Her children gave me some disgusted looks, then put their mouth under the pipe and drank some water. After they were finished quenching their thirsts with my mini shower, I washed out the soap, and I felt like a new creation. The Father's mercies are new every morning, (Leviticus 3: 22-23) and I definitely felt his mercy in that hair washing. I walked away, back down the path and towards the bathrooms, and I find a line of people waiting to fill their water bottles. I, being the prideful human being that I am, casually smiled and kept walking. Every one is feeling refreshed because of that water pipe.

Anyway, I walk into the restaurant where everyone is eating, and I get in line to eat. In front of me lies a cafeteria style meal, and I get to choose what my first Polish meal is. I chose wrong. That is all I have to say about that.

Also at this restaurant, I came to a realization as to what Satan himself drinks: Gas water.

We get back on the bus and finish our journey to Warsaw. There, we check into our hotel, and then we have a couple of hours to tour part of downtown Warsaw. I wish we had more time, because Warsaw was absolutely gorgeous. With a rich history, it had a great combination of old and new buildings. (Many buildings were destroyed during WWII.) We went into our first European church. D A N G. I was sold. Poland wins. The end. The magnificence of the church cannot be put into words, and cannot be captured in a picture. It can only be captured in entering, and adoring. Adoring the one who the church is for. One thing about the churches we saw, were that they had many side altars, an average of about four on each side. And each altar is dedicated to either a Saint, or a part of the Holy Family (i.e. Saint John Paul II, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Black Madonna). We held mass in that church, which I believe was called Holy Cross. Their confessionals are very different from America as well; they are very open and anyone can see you talking. I guess it is a way of testifying to the whole church, and also a way of humbling yourself, saying that "yes, I am a sinner, but I am working on it.

We also walked to Old Town, a part of Warsaw that somewhat reminded me of the French Quarter. There were entertainers on the street, little shops here and there, and churches everywhere. We walked into a chapel dedicated to Our Lady, and they began singing their Polish traditional prayer to the Black Madonna, or Our Lady of Czestochowa, at 9:00 PM.

As a group, we discovered that Polish people love Ice Cream, called Lody over there. Ice Cream shops flooded the street, and Conrad also loved Ice Cream. His not so little German face and body lit up, and I've never seen a grown man go from Point A to Point Lody so fast. We then walked back to our hotel, which was very nice, by the way. I did not feel like a pilgrim at this point, but a tourist. But man, did I have a big storm coming for me.

I roomed with Luke J. and Grant J., two awesome men who I got to know well on this trip.

I slept very well that night, finally in a horizontal position. Thus ended day 2.

Nicholas Scalfano